Zoom Collaboration Solutions for Georgia Agencies via the GTA Direct IT services program

Contract # 98000-GTADirect-CONTRACT-4666-ZOO

Zoom provides a secure platform for government communication and collaboration.

Our GTA team can help with:

  • Education on contract utilization
  • Zoom security reviews
  • Pricing and deployment options and details

To Contact Zoom’s GTA team:

Email us at: GAsales@zoom.us

Zoom State & Local Government - East Manager Rhonda Wingate


Zoom’s Collaboration Solutions for GA Agencies

Zoom Meetings & Chat

Single touch-to-start meetings for small teams or up to 1,000 users. Organizations that switch to Zoom experience an 85% increase in video usage, making your agency feel more connected. Zoom offers cloud storage for easy access and retrieval of recorded content your organization generates on the Zoom platform.

Zoom Webinars

For a public session, town hall, or agency internal employee forum: webinars are designed for a single presenter or a small group to engage large audiences with easy-to-use interactive features built in.

Zoom Phone

A modern phone solution that is part of a single unified application for phone, meetings, and chat. All with HD audio, centralized management and security features. Zoom phone allows your employees to be connected internally and with the public - in the office or on the device of their choice - while maintaining their their personal contact information private.

Zoom Rooms

Conference and team room integration into the Zoom platform. Additionally, use Zoom Rooms for digital signage and room availability uses. In a hybrid working environment, this allows your organization to get the most flexibility for your floor space. Additionally, you can connect standards-based room systems to the Zoom Cloud with Zoom’s Conference Room Connector.

Contract Resources