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EdgeX Foundry 101: Intro, Roadmap and Use Cases (On-Demand recording password is 8B$I#AXn)
LF Edge is launched a new webinar series, “On the Edge with LF Edge” that will feature project overviews and the opportunity for the community to ask questions. Join us on Thursday, April 23 at 9 am PDT/12 pm EDT for a deeper dive into EdgeX Foundry. Launched in 2017, EdgeX Foundry is the preferred open source framework to collect, standardize and share data from devices and applications at the edge. It is currently a stage 3 or “Impact” project under the LF Edge umbrella and is preparing for it’s 6th release. The project is home of a rapidly growing community of developers and vendors working together to reduce the complexity and the time to market by providing modular easy to scale reference services in support of new IoT data services and advanced edge computing applications. EdgeX Foundry provides developers and technology vendors with a common set of horizontal capabilities to support use cases across any IOT vertical with a consistent foundation for security and manageability. Also, the EdgeX microservices framework will enable end users to liberate their data from silos and let them use it where they want it (at Edge with device/apps services and/or Cloud with Cloud/Enterprise endpoints) to improve business results. It will enable autonomous operations and intelligence moving to the edge and use your data for decision making/actuation, bandwidth and storage. In this webinar, you’ll learn: 1. Project Introduction – From humble beginnings to current project momentum 2. EdgeX Releases – Cadence, planning meetings, latest version and what is coming 3. EdgeX Use Cases – Retail use case from Intel, HP, IoTech and a use case from Wipro


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