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ECS Policy Event “Citizen Science beyond 2030: Societal Engagement for a Sustainable Future”
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Jan 22, 2025 10:00 AM
By contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - be it through providing monitoring data, raising awareness or promoting behavioral change - the citizen science community has demonstrated that it can play an important role in supporting and advancing sustainability transitions. During this policy event we will take stock of the progress made so far before taking a look into the future. Together with a panel of experts and decision-makers from science and policy we will discuss what needs to be done to strengthen citizen science for sustainable development both within the SDG framework and beyond 2030. Our panelists are:
- Michael Arentoft (DG Research & Innovation, European Commission)
- Dr Dilek Fraisl (IIASA, Citizen Science Global Partnership)
- Professor Francois Grey (University of Geneva, Citizen Cyberlab)
- Professor Ariane König (University of Luxembourg)
- Professor Walter J. Radermacher (Federation of European National Statistical Societies)
This event is part of the European Citizen Science (ECS) project, which is funded by the EU under Horizon Europe and runs from August 2022 to July 2026. ECS aims to strengthen citizen science as a valuable research approach for scientific excellence and sustainable development in Europe. The project’s activities include networking events, a platform with information and resources, capacity-building and training, technical support and policy engagement activities.